Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Saturday Hunting

This Saturday marks the first day of muzzleloader season and I am planning on hunting deer. This year has been a really hard year for me. I lost the greatest hunting partner I have ever had in my fathers passing in February. I spent a couple of days hunting Turkey and even one early morning out hunting with my mom where we watched the morning sun rise, listened to the rustle of the leaves from the squirrels playing chase, was schooled by a young tom and got to see 24,000 domestic turkey chicks all in one day.

This fall I spent several weeks in Idaho guiding and I got to spend one day out hunting for myself. My time in Idaho was cut short by my own choosing. I missed my kids, the afternoon I spent on the mountain just did not feel right, my being in Idaho did not feel right and I just could not really commit to doing what it would of taken to have truly found the elk for myself that I wanted to take. I know that I will be back out hunting elk again next year during archery season and maybe even rifle season as well. Elk are in my blood and I am possessed by thier beauty, thier grace, the dirt they walk on(thier habitat and its conservation), and the mountains that they live in.

I am not sure where I am going hunting on Saturday but I know the entire day will be spent taking in the beautiful sights around me, the smell of the fall air and I will surround myself with thoughts of hunts past and think of all of the good times and good memories that I have from hunting in times past.