Tuesday, June 05, 2007

Have you contacted Microsoft yet?

The way I see it as hunters we support conservation, we get the joy from the wilderness, we get very few opportunities to stand up for our rights and do something to stem the flow of money to Anti-Hunting organizations. Microsoft is as close a monopoly as any company is ever going to get in America! I know that Bill and Melinda Gates are going to do great things with their money, and it is there money... I am all for them putting it to whatever cause they want. But Microsoft is a a publicly traded company and as a public company they should be listening to the public and we must get out there and yell and scream until they hear us! Without hunters conservation stops and we need conservation and habitat more now then ever before....

Take 5 minutes and contact Microsoft and tell them how you feel, write them a letter and fax them as well... IS 5 MINUTES OF YOUR TIME WORTH PROTECTING YOUR RIGHTS AS A HUNTER!!!! I KNOW IT IS!!!!

Contact Bill Gates, Chairman, Microsoft, 1 Microsoft Way, Redmond, WA 98052. Phone: (425) 882-8080. Fax: (425) 936-7329.