More Pictures from Saturdays Auction!
Saturday has been an absolute blast! The auction crew did a fantastic job and the crowd was wonderful and generous!These guys were enjoying the wonderful beer provided by Budweiser for all of the auction attendees!
Here is the quilt that I bought yesterday at the auction! It is made from all of the ringleader shirts from the various auctions that I have attended!
Thank you to the Flagstaff, AZ Chapter for putting together such a fantastic Quilt! It will be cherished forever!
Thank you to Toyota who is really stepping out and supporting the hunting and conservation worlds!
I absolutely loved this painting! What a bull!
Some wonderful pencil drawings!
Kimber Rifles Booth
The White Mountain Apache Chairmans Elk Permit brought in $60,000.00 for the RMEF!
Mom on the phone telling everyone she knew about a pink 22 rifle that just sold for $21,000.
A beautiful Elk Ivory Necklace!
Leupold really made a strong showing this year! I really liked the looks of the new rangefinder and the scopes looked wonderful as usual.
Strong contributers bidding at the auction!
More great trips this year then ever before!
Walker (Buddy) Smith stepping up and selling the Chairmans Rifle which brought in $9500.00 at this years auction!
The Ring Crew did a fantastic job this year!
Dean from Washington having a wonderful time at the auction!
These four statues of the Grand Slam of Sheep sold for $8000.00 dollars and the winner of that bid was extremely happy!
Caroline(Tinker) Frazier past Southeast Region Volunteer Chair for the RMEF having a wonderful time!
The Clydesdale brought in $20,000.00 to the RMEF and will be taken to the RMEF home in Pennsylvania for long term care and will be a permanent fixture at the RMEF facility there!
Jay Dart the CEO of the RMEF! If you have not had the pleasure of meeting him, I urge you to do so! His enthusiasm for this organization is what keeps me motivated to work hard to make a difference in the conservation arena! The RMEF is lucky to have such a fantastic leader! Jay walks around the Auction floor and personally shakes the hands of each and every buyer! I really respect him for making that personal effort!
The Pennsylvania team of volunteers who worked to get the clydesdale to be sent to their state!
Mom getting her picture next to one big mare!
I cant say enough good things about this ring crew! What a great team!
Working the bidders!
The Arizona Elk Permit brought in $122,000!
The Ring Crew team!
One Beautiful Rifle!
A couple of wonderful Montana boys enjoying the Saturday auction!