Pictures from Friday and Saturday at the RMEF Convention
A really nice bull!
Now that is one fantastic cooler for your hunting trips out west!
Pee-Wee Division World Elk Calling Finalists!
Professional Division World Elk Calling Finalists!
Amateur Division World Elk Calling Finalists!
Youth Division World Elk Calling Finalists!
Thunder Bow Outfitters. Ron pictured here behind the booth took me on my very first elk hunt!
Brunton, A partner in Elk Country Conservation!
A partner in Elk Country Conservation!Brunton, A partner in Elk Country Conservation!
Mom in front of the Elk Sculpture!
Roper, A partner in elk country conservation
CamoWest, A partner in elk country conservation
North American Hunter, A partner in elk country conservation!
Cabela's, A partner in Elk Country Conservation
Hunter's Specialties, A partner in elk country conservation!
The Cabela's Elk Camp Tent!
Dickies, A partner in elk country conservation!
Winners from the Elk Calling competition!
I love seeing good kids so enthusiastic about hunting and calling!
Happy Winners!
Wayne Carlton the father of modern day elk calling!
Team calling competitors!
Run and gun calling from the team competition!
Wayne Carlton!
Happy Competitors making it a family affair competing in the Team competition for elk!
Mom & Son getting ready for the elk calling competition as a team!
Pictures from the Volunteer fun night with the generous Terri Clark, a country music star! I listen to a bit of everything and never really know who I am listening to but I can tell you that I plan on buying this girls albums because she and her band were absolutely fantastic!
Mom dancing with Tinker and John Frazier!
Dancing and having a blast!
Terri Clark!
Up front and getting some great shots!
What an amazing violinist!
Terri Clark
My best shot of the night!