Thursday, May 24, 2007

Day Five in Saskatchewan and Day three in the Stand

Day three produced three bears into our stand and 2 of them were in and out all day! The young sow from the last couple of days and a nice fat rolly polly of a bear that might go 200 lbs. The good news about today is that Joe Rowe and Danny Griffin Both got bears that would go around 200 lbs each! I have a ton more to add to todays story and I have an hour and a half of footage on the camera!

My close encounter came today at about 10 feet when the bear came to my stand and leaned up on the ladder and looked right at me.. I said "Go Away Little Bear!" and he sauntered off only to go back to the bait. The young sow chased him off in a hurry though and took over the bait!

What a day! I could of taken any of the three bears we had in the stand but I am holding out for a bigger bear!