Huntinglife Readers... Please get out there and support this chapter!
Jon Murphy from the Columbia Basin Quail Forever Chapter dropped me the following email while I was in Saskatchewan! This looks like a great raffle and Jon and his team of volunteers has the western most chapter of Quail Forever and they are doing a heck of a job and have a fantastic website. Please go support them as much as you can!
Columbia Basin Quail Forever
CBQF Members,
Just wanted to inform you that the meeting notes from 05/17/07 have been posted on the website, under "Chapter News" for your reading enjoyment !
We currently have started another raffle, for a 12 Gauge Mossberg, all black, Semi Auto. We received alot of feedback from our last raffle, mostly "need a 12 gauge". This is a GREAT looking, GREAT shooting, all everyday, hunting shotgun. As a chapter, we are only going to sell 250 tickets, @ $5 each. We are going t spread the word of the raffle with emails and I'll follow up with a couple phone calls, but I'd like to see this gun being held by a chapter member come hunting season.
Have any questions, feel free to give me a call.
Columbia Basin Chapter of QF
President - Jon Murphy